The mystical Magic Kastle is an up and coming venue in SLO’s DIY scene, but what is it and how may it become the next big thing in the scene?

Photo from the return of Dudeo Perez by @jessirosephotography
Ah, the SLO DIY scene. A place for anyone and everyone who wants to have a good time. With local bands ranging from surf rock to indie to punk and everything in between, there’s no doubt that you’ll find a band you love.
Yet, experiences with the live bands of San Luis Obispo are highly impacted by the circumstances in which you see them live. Chances are you’re seeing these groups in a living room — and there’s nothing wrong with that, we all love a good house show. But the local scene deserves a fair chance to play at a venue every once in a while, right?
The lack of venues in San Luis Obispo is not a secret. Those who dare to throw house shows are constantly at risk of tickets or eviction via the city or their dreaded landlord. San Luis Obispo is in dire need of a sick-ass venue. Magic Kastle may just be the answer to our problem.
For a rather new venue in the scene, there has already been a huge draw for all of the major bands in the area and even some from out of town. With their debut show in the SLO scene consisting of Repeater, Earthship, and The Sleeperz they certainly started off with a bang. With bands ranging from the Krooks to White Jagg, it’s no secret that Magic Kastle is becoming quite the attraction for bands from SLO all the way past Santa Barbara. Offering shows and setlists that range from punk to techno and everything in between, the Kastle is providing a space for everyone to enjoy and share their music.

Photo of Lizardsmouth by @jessirosephotography
I wanted the inside scoop on this mysterious new venue. I talked to Tristan from Pancho and the Wizards, manager of the place.
“When I was a teenager there were a lot more DIY type things going on, like a lot more house shows and things like that and then for a while they just all went away and this one was kind of around but didn’t really have shows very often. Then once house shows started picking up again, I wanted to have something that was a step up from a house show because there’s not really a lot of mid sized venues here, so I wanted to give local people and touring acts a chance to play a medium size show”
I spoke to a variety of audience members at the last show and the consensus was the same: the sound is top notch, the lights are stellar, and the experience is what one might consider magical.
Magic Kastle is on the rise and may be just what this scene needs.
I also spoke to Skyllar from Plywood Love about her and the band’s experience getting to play this venue.
Jessi: How was your experience playing here as a band?
Skyllar: Honestly so incredible. The fact that they have a whole sound team, they have monitors, they have a whole real stage with lights and everything, it was unlike anything we’ve really done before here in SLO.
J: How do you think this venue is adding to the scene?
S: This place is adding to the scene in a lot of ways. As someone in a band here that just wants the opportunity to play shows, it’s so nice to have a place to play that’s located somewhere that won’t get shutdown. It’s also so sick to get to have a playing experience with a full sound setup and lights and all that but still get to be in SLO. It looks and feels so professional that as an artist it’s really an amazing opportunity for all of us bands in the scene. Also, the energy and the crowd here is always so awesome that it really just makes it even more fun for us.

Photo of Skyllar of Plywood Love by @jessirosephotography
Follow all of these great bands on Instagram at @dudeoperez, @lizardsmouthband, and @plywood.love! You might as well follow Magic Kastle while you’re at it — @magickastle.slo
Catch the next Magic Kastle event on July 1st featuring Cory Hanson of “Wand” with Pancho & the Wizards! More information below:

Jessi Schroeder wrote this article. She takes pictures for the Photo & Video Team. Will Dalton made the graphic. He’s part of the Art Team.